Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Saying Goodbye

This has to be one of the hardest posts I've had to type.
These two precious girls have fingerprinted our hearts and lives in ways we never imagined.
Saying good-bye, is so bitter-sweet. 
Our bodies and minds are tired. Our parenting skills are maxed and our Russian is still pretty much as terrible as it was before they came, but what we have gained as a family is priceless!

Saying good-bye was heartbreaking.

Especially for our sweet Paige.
She has fallen in love with having sisters. 
She loves these girls deeply.

This is my most heart breaking photo. 
Our sweet, Liza, in angst.
God bless, this precious girl. 
May she feel your arms around in her in love in our absence and always!

Paigey just couldn't let go.

And down goes the sign...
too much hugging! :)

Liza, braving Daddy's whiskers to give him a kiss. 

All the Michigan kids heading to New York to meet up with all the other 280 host kids and chaperones before heading to Kiev, Urkraine and then home!

And this is our sweet girl now...

1 comment:

  1. Oh I can see the pain in Paige's face. You all were so loving. You made a BIG impact on them and may God use it their whole lives!
