Saturday, January 21, 2012


We had a lot of fun on MLK Day!

Most kids got this day off school...but not us...we learned all about Martian Luther King, Jr., about his dream and even did a little dreaming of our own!!

Below is one of the projects we did of comparison. This was a fun activity I found on Pinterest where you take a brown egg and a white egg and write down the similarities and differences of their outside. (color was the only difference!) Then you crack it open and see that the insides are exactly the same!!

It was so fun to see the light bulb go on in Jake's head when I said that is exactly the difference between someone who has brown skin and someone who has white. I love when messages get driven home in a way that they'll never forget!!

Another blessing about schooling at home is comfy reading spots...

Fun experiments...

And for the advanced a little extra time for one's nose in a book...