Friday, June 1, 2012

Kindy Graduation

 We have a Graduate!
It's hard to believe that our youngest, our sweet girl has completed Kindergarten!

And we have home schooled this year, but that does not stop us for pulling out all the stops for a bang up Graduation ceremony and party!  We partnered with our good friends the Malone's and their little Mckenzie, together with Paige had a precious personalize Graduation.

The personalization began with the caps & gowns, because one of the perks of homeschooling is that you can pick out your own colors!  There was no doubt in my mind what color Paige would choose. And dear Mckenzie wouldn't be caught dead in pink so blue was her choice and oh! did it ever go amazingly with her eyes!!

Giggles weren't absent! 

And a "Yipee! I'm done with school for the summer!" was in full swing!

The room was filled with parents, grandparents and our babysitter.

Getting their diploma's...

Proud, precious Paigey! 

Hat's flew!! 

Silliness abounded!

With Miss Kelsey, our former babysitter. 

Paigey with Kathy Barr and Kelsey.

Paigey and da' boys!

Mckenzie and her bud Connor.

Oh, my!

Our little girl is heading to first grade!!!