Saturday, November 24, 2012


 We had a very nice Thanksgiving. The kids love an opportunity to hang out with their cousins!
Here is the "kids table."

The "grown-ups" table.

And the "princess" table.

 Grandpa sharing his Thankful Challenge.

Thanksgiving blended into Christmas and Jake was on cloud 9 with receiving a Venus Fly Trap!

Paige a cotton candy maker...

Connor a remote robot...

The robot had everyone's attention!

Everyone opening their gifts from Grandpa Posey and Grandma Carol...

We have so much to be thankful for and we are so grateful for all the blessings God has given us!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Judge's Invitational 2012

Connor had his first competitive gymnastics meet last weekend
and it was so much fun for all of us!

Sportin' his new warm-up suit.

Floor is his favorite and it truly showed in his performance. 
We weren't able to take pictures during his actual event, but he scored his highest in his floor routine. 
It was flawless, receiving a 10.0!

Can you even comprehend being able to do this?

Floor score!

Connor's great arm strength was demonstrated during the rings event.
But, let me just say that the boy has quite a mass of muscle to pull up compared to several of his teammates that are just little peanuts!

We are huge fans of how encouraging, supportive and caring all of Connor's coaches are. 
They are VERY positive and helpful.  (A Mama's dream!)

His score for rings!!! 9.0

Next up parallel bars

Waiting, with Coach Nick, for the judges sign to go.

Getting a few last minute reminders from his main coach, Martin.

He had the highest score for his team on Pummel Horse. 
It is NOT an easy thing to do
 (it comes with practice and age, they say), 
but he did a great job despite how tough it is!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Creations Galore

When the kids are doing school, 
they are off creating something...somewhere.  

Here are two carved apples
(inspired by their pumpkin carving!)

A little Benderoo's 

A self-made Pilgram hat!

Cutting, cutting and more cutting...

Popcorn strings...

Fort making

Book cover producing...

And this was just THIS week!!!!!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Twister Math

Some days just need a little bit of fun! 
We found a fun way to reinforce our math with an old game that everyone loves!

I would spin the dial to give us which hand and foot to use, but the color was determined by their answering one of their math problem and find the answer on the board.  

It got harder as the game went on to see all the answers so it was full of laughs and falls (pushes!)
