Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Midway Hosting Update

We're just about at the half way mark of our 4 weeks of hosting.

The girls are beautiful. 

They've seen, heard and experienced way too much for two young girls their age, but they are strong and brave. 

They are survivors.

Alona loves music, dressy clothing, shopping, cooking!! She seems to really like animals and is very sweet with all four of the younger kids.

Eliza loves soccer, video games, her Wildlife Storyteller voice box and Pa-pa! (Steve)
She's great at playing games, has learned how to ride a bike, and is very good about learning English!

Although, neither of them are all that fond of American food, they have taken to the likes of shopping!  They enjoy being out and about and active.  They tend to be timid in new situations at first, stating their dislike and unwillingness to be there, but slowly they see others having fun and they emerge from within themselves and join in and have a great time

Many people have asked how Paige is handling another girl snuggling with her Daddy and quite honestly, I tell them that she is perfectly fine with it.  I think she understands the lack of love in Liza's life, but I also think that she is very secure in her Daddy's love for HER and so there is no need in her mind to question or push it.  This is truly a testament to God's work in Paigey's life, but also to her solid relationship with her Daddy, as well.  

The kids are doing amazingly well.  They work hard at engaging the girls in activities.  They strive to communicate with them in whatever ways that work.  They are patient when Dad &  Mom have their heads in their phones trying to translate and they have set solid examples of correct behavior when what is often surrounding them is defiance and mistreatment of others.  They've been understanding of the multiple trips to the store and the huge amounts of sugar ingested by certain persons and their being told "no" to such luxury and they've endured numbers of snowball and pillow fights that seem to never come to an end.  

It's funny, how my perspective on my kids has changed since I've seen their characters develop and showcase so vividly over the last two weeks.  We're really very proud of them!

We've definitely had our share of hiccups and trying moments. Our exhaustion level is high.  But, we are seeing God work...in us...in them...and we know our labors are not in vain. We hope you will pray with us that the remaining two weeks we have with the girls during this hosting would be lead by God and that we will be HIS hands, His feet and His voice into the lives of these precious daughters of the King!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVED looking through all your posts from the last couple of weeks!! (I wish we could sit and chat face to face!) I loved the pictures of all your family gatherings. I'm glad the girls are doing well...I know there are difficulties, but it sounds like you're handling them with love and grace. I'd expect nothing less from you and your family. You really are amazing and such a good example to me of so much. I know you will be the first to give credit to Jesus and His Spirit that is at work within you, but I hope my "compliment" is an encouragement to you that HIS work is seen in you. Love you, dear friend!
