Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Stockings Are Hung

The stockings are hung on our staircase with care.
In hopes that our Christmas Girls soon will be here!!

It took some doing, but I was able to find the girls stockings 
to match the other kiddos on eBay!
And then I had them personalized. They turned out perfectly!

We converted Paigey's bedroom into a two/three person room, by moving her bed in the boys room and bring their bunk beds in and separating them. There is a mattress under the first bed for Paige to pull out so she can sleep with them!

We will be taking these pillow pets and bag of treats to the airport for them.

The bathroom toiletry "stash."

A few outfits for each to get them started.

We seperated each girls clothes with a little tag with their initial.
Pictured here is Paigey's and Elizavetta's.

And um...well...
I think someone's a little, tiny bit excited to FINALLY out number the boys in the house!

Our welcome sign to take with us to the airport.

It reads:  
Welcome to America, 
Alona & Eliza!

We're ready. Our home is open. Our hearts have room.
Our lives will never be the same.
To God be the Glory!


  1. I couldn't be more excited for your family. It makes me cry just thinking how these girls are coming from so far away to a place they've never been, a language they can't speak, and your beautiful, loving family are the ones to great them. The room you've prepared for them is beautiful!! We're praying for you and them every step of the way. How amazing that you've met someone to translate. Much love to you. Can't wait to hear more. Love, Dave & Laura

  2. Shoot, not only did I spell greet wrong, I anonymously corrected myself. I am blog challenged.

  3. All I can say is WOW! You have prepared for Alona & Elizavetta in the thorough, creative, and loving way that you do everything you do. They will think they are in a palace when they see their bedroom -- and you've gotta love the "No boys allowed" sign! Praying extra for you today! We can't wait to meet the girls next week! Love, p.

  4. God has led you to this moment, and I am excited to see and hear about all the wonderful surprises He has in store for you all. I am praying that each of you will grow more dependent on Him and fall more deeply in love with Him through the experiences He has planned throughout this next month. When you went to Guatemala, Denise, and I was feeling a bit nervous about it, you told me, “Mom, I was born for this trip!” As you take another huge step of faith, I can say without a doubt that “you were born for this moment!” Like Pamela, I can hardly wait to meet Alona and Eliza on Christmas Eve! I love you all…Mom/Grammy

  5. You are one amazing woman. They are walking into a house of love and for the first time in my life I am speechless. Love has touched everything you have done for them. Praying for you.

  6. As I see all that you and your family have done for these precious ones I am reminded of all the care that the Lord takes for us. What an example you are to all of us. You are able, you are open and you are willing to allow Gods glory to shine. We are so excited to be able to pray for your family and we know that this is truly one of those times where you just have to trust God to work all the details out. Praise the Lord for your willingness and may God change your family and all of ours forever through this walk of faith.

  7. "Whatever you do for the least of these, you have done for Me." Living out God's Word; Trusting Him FULLY; Setting an example for your children that is ETERNAL! I am in awe, as most everyone is, to see you, Steve, and the kids open your hearts and your home with full abandon to God's plan! Giving love to orphans, showing Jesus, living beyond your comfort zone, (which is still somehow comfortable because it's God's leading)...just amazing, beautiful, wonderful...I have been praying for you all ALL day and I too am waiting to see how God has ordained these weeks of your lives for His glory and your good! LOVE and HUGS!!!!

  8. Sorry, one more thing...I just can't help that this has been running through my head as I've prayed for you all: "Jesus loves the little children. All the children of the world...red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in His sight. Jesus loves the little children of the world"!!!! (And obviously, so do the Posey's) xoxo
