Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day 2013

There are just a few things that we who have been in traditional school miss in our homeschooling world and one of them is the fun of a friends Valentine's exchange.  Don't get me wrong, we're all about a good family love fest on Valentine's Day and we enjoying making and mailing Valentine's to our cousins and grandparents, but it's the whole- "make a box and exchange with your friends fun" that just isn't the same when you have a class of 3!  :)

So when Valentine's Day rolled around and our house was up for sale and keeping it pristine clean and being "kicked out" most afternoons was our new normal, the idea of 15+ in the house didn't seem like the best idea I'd ever had (at least not to certain household members).  But, I prayed (yes! I really did!) and waited.  

And just as God would have it, we had an offer on our house, signed the papers and took it off the market for showings, so I sent out the invitation to our Valentine friends!  four days later the couple backed out of the purchase, but that was okay, because I already had our party secured! (Hee, hee!)

The kids each made their Valentine's with creativity and love!

Jake made a "school" of fish. Using the school pun in various ways for each friend.

Connor gave everyone an A&W, stating that he was "rooting" for them!

And Paige made some cheese  & mice out of Hershey Kisses and stated 
that it was "Mice" to know you!

Party day came and we had a wonderful time decorating cookies.

Passing out Valentine's...

And sewing some purses, pillows and pockets...

Con supervised from the couch. Still in a great deal of pain from his previous nights adventure...

Jake with one of his best buddies, Ella Jane!

 Brooke modeling her beautiful, handmade flower!

Drew with his "Message in  a Bottle"

Alyvia and her homemade heart pillow.

I found this on my bed on Valentine's Day. 
Connor is gave me a beautiful heart necklace in a heart shaped box!
(the boy is going to make a great husband one day!)

After the party, Paige wrote a note in an ESV Bible she picked up at church 
sharing the love Jesus has for us.  She took the Bible, together with a Valentine and a Subway sandwich and gave it to Bruce our homeless Lake Orion friend.

It was a special day and we were so grateful the Lord allowed us 
the opportunity to share it with friends.

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