Sunday, February 24, 2013

Over the Hill

It's been quite a journey to get up this hill and I feel so blessed to have survived the trip!  And for every regret that I have to what my achy, cushioned body is at this stage, I have an even more prominent feeling of blessing.  To have lived 40 years with the richness and blessedness that I have is truly a gift I would never want to trade.  I have friends that love, encourage, challenge and gift me. I have children that surprise, refine, cherish and love me. And I have a husband who stretches, dotes, invests in and pours into me with a love that I rarely deserve. 

My day began quiet, with the kids at my sister's and the morning with Steve. We sipped coffee, talked children, dreamed dreams.  Later in the day I met my sister and kids for lunch and enjoyed a really yummy chocolate chip cookie dessert.

We celebrated with Steve in the evening and I ended my day as I always do, in bed by 11:11.

Saturday came and I had plans with one of my besties for a day of fun.  She had all sorts of great plans and it was truly a day, one never forgets.

We headed to dinner where she said we would see a farming demonstration. 
As I entered the barn, out popped my sweet Paige...
and then my Dad...
and then a dear friend from high school...
and then my best buds from my working days...
and then more treasured friends...

And after a great cowgirl meal, 
we had ourselves some square dancing fun!!

Three of my most favorite people!!

My dear friends Dave & Laura Shanley.

Our treasured party-lovin' friends, Josh & Lisa!

 My crazy, Godly friend, Jeanie & Rick, 
who also catered our delicious meal.

Lisa, Steve, Joy and my Mom!

My Dad with old youth group friends, 
Trudy & Steve Nelson.

And the instigator of it all, my precious friend Trixie 
who loves to give a party even more than I do!

Christina & Dee

Honestly, the love between Josh & Steve should make Lisa & me jealous!

We had such an amazing and fun night! I could have felt more blessed, 
nor could I have received a better work out!  
Look out 41...I'm a dancing girl now! :)

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