Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Day Every Gymnast Dreads

 Everyday as we drive to the gym, we take a few moments to stop and pray for Connor's safety and testimony while he does gymnastics. But, this day was the day that every gymnast (and parent) dreads.  At the tail end of practice, when "free play" means children run around like crazy people, a teammate stepped on Connor's foot and slipped, fracturing his big toe. Connor was in horrible pain and with one look at the toe, we knew a trip to emergency was in order.

Paige was the hero that night as Daddy lay upstairs, with an excruciating headache, sleeping and Jake was fighting a stomach bug that had him throwing up.  What I thought was a ten minute trip to pick-up Connor, turned into an hour & a half adventure away from home.  Sweet Paige called me several times:
Call #1:  "Um, Mommy, Jake is throwing up, what should I do?"
"Just rub his back and tell him, 'it's okay.'"

Call #2:  "Um, Mommy, what do you want me to do with the throw-up?"
(God bless her!)
"Do you mind just dumping it down the toilet and putting the bucket in the laundry room sink?  I'll take care of the rest when I get home."

Call #3:  "Mommy, Jake fell asleep and I'm all alone here."

She was a trooper. I came home to a clean bucket.  She had loved on her brother while he was sick and cleaned it all up.  She welcomed Connor with questions and excitement!  She was beside herself with wanting to tell Daddy all that had happened while he was sleeping!  She lovingly made Con a make-shift bed on the couch for the night and then dutifully crawled up next to him and fell asleep.  She's going to make a GREAT Mommy one day!

The next morning excitement brewed as we were off to Medical Supply to get some crutches.

I don't know who was more excited to have the crutches Connor ....or Paige! :)

Con must spend three weeks off of his foot before a re-x-ray to see how it's healed. 
It's not going to be easy to keep this energetic boy down, but we'll try our best!

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