Monday, March 11, 2013

Egging the Neighbors

When I was a kid, egging the neighbors was something that happened the night before Halloween and it was most certainly not done by sweet, Christian children.  But, today is a completely different culture and egging for Easter is the new rave!

Oh, yes! And it's two weeks til Easter and there is SNOW on the ground!

The kids filled Easter eggs with candy and hid them in the front yard of all their little neighbor-friends.

Then they left this note on the door.
(You can click on the picture to zoom in and get a closer look>)

All the kids loved it...both the deliverers...and those who received the delivery!!
I just love fun ways to share Jesus!

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea! I am going to tell my Mom to Mom group about this next spring.
