Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Adventure Begins

This month began our year adventure of travels and schooling at home! Our trip to Washington is almost completed in slide show form and will be posted...eventually! :)
But, this week brought the biggest step of all: SCHOOL!!

Below are the kids are their first day. The boys were proud to don their pajama's. It sure beats a uniform and shoes!! (Not sure we're keeping the pj attire for the weeks ahead, but it's a fun option and a blessing not to have to rush out the door, that's for sure!!)

The excitement was evident and we had a great first week. Mommy was exhausted and grateful for the home school friends she has that have gone before her that talked her down off the walls and held her back from making that easy call to our beloved Oakland Christian to re-enroll.

Paige was "Star of the Week" (at her request) and in this picture she is sharing with us her "Show 'n Tell." She also insists on Calender Time, the pledge, Snack Time and her favorite "Free Choice." (This is what happens when a child is first in traditional school and then moved home!) She did a fabulous job and we all enjoyed the sparkle that her ideas/ideals bring to our classroom!

This is the Posey's Animal Kingdom. I'm confident that it doesn't even hold a candle to the number of stuffed wild life our middle child owns and loves, but they came in very handy for a demonstration in addition and subtraction for our Kindy class.

We had one (of many) discrations in our week right outside our class room window, as we discovered a whole nest of bees making their home in our brick. One got inside and I killed it and spent the next ten minutes consoling my five year old who felt very strongly that the bee had done nothing wrong and was punished unjustly. (Lord, have mercy, it's going to be a loooong year! :)

Lots of reading goes on in our day...

And lots of silliness. LOTS of silliness!!!

Thursday was our most exciting of days, but that deserves a blog all its own. (See below)
We ended the week with our first field trip to none other than opening day at our favorite cider mill~

It was a good week. We have much to learn (all of us!), but I think we're off to a good, solid start.


  1. Oh Dee! I am so excited and inspired by you! Our journey's are all God's plan and to see your family doing His work is beautiful!!!! I read this and Paigey's special note and was filled with JOY!!! Homeschooling is such a privledge and, the blessing of seeing your daughter place her faith in Jesus??? HOORAY! Your year is already an eternal success!!

    thanks for've gotten me ready to start our year :)

  2. Doesn't it feel great to have week one done!! You took some great pictures! Praying for you that God continues to give you blessings through this school year! Enjoy!

  3. I LOVE your bee story - even that distraction was a wonderful teaching opportunity. You're an amazing mom and teacher, Dee!

    You can tell Paige that at her age I was told "bugs are your friends" and then I saw a bee on the slide at recess, decided to "pet it" and it rewarded me with an awful sting! From then on, I had no sympathy for any bees that were hurt or killed. ;-)

  4. What fun pictures to commemorate your first week! I love Paige's "Star of the Week" idea!! Looks like home and life will bring many teaching opportunities. Continuing to pray that you all get into a good groove and routine.
