Sunday, January 3, 2010

Christmas 2009

This was truly one of my favorite Christmases to date! The kids were at a perfect age to really enjoy all of the fun! Here is the gang on Christmas morning sitting our bed opening their stockings!

This is our annual Christmas morning picture spot,
before tearing down the stairs to open gifts.

This is what was awaiting them!!

Jake got the Lego Pirate ship he had been hoping for!
(And had it built in no time flat!)

Paige was a little concerned when she opened a small suit case from Santa.
"This is not what I asked for!" she said.
But, when prompted to look inside
she was very pleased to find the pretty dress that she had on our list!

Paigey models her Princess Tiana night gown!

Everyon got a glow in the dark draw pad for bedtime & the car!

The boys both got nerf guns and we gave nerf guns to three of their cousins so...

Let the good times begin!!

What is in this great big box?

A wooden castle for all of Paigey's princesses!

Connor couldn't wait to open this big bag!
And as you can tell by the look on his face...he wasn't disappointed.

Puppy & Copper now have a new dog play mate, Bolt!

Jake got a Transformer! Something he had been waiting a long time for!

Connor and Bolt were instant friends!

Bolt even had Christmas breakfast with us!

Our creative boy, could hardly contain himself...not over the new rebounder that Mommy got ,but for the box that it came in. It had creation potentional written all over it!

Christmas Breakfast. Sirniki's!!!

After breakfast, Jake shared with all of us the Christmas Story and
"What God Wants for Christmas!"

Next we went to the Connelly's for Christmas Day!
The girls all sat together at their beautiful Christmas table.

Nate & Erica

Macy teases Uncle Steve with his new exercise bands.

Jake gives Grandpa Posey a picture he drew of "Pony Boy."

Singing "Happy Birthday, Jesus!"

The boys hung out at the table cracking nuts and having fun together.

The boys play Wii together.

Paigey started to get a little sleepy.

So we called it a night and got up the next morning to do it all again with the Forrester side of the family! Connor got a firefighter outfit for Copper.

Paigey got a pink tent & a camping chair that as she sat in it, she claimed,
"It's just my size!"

Paige tells Aunt Pam about the glitter picture that she drew for her.

Aunt Pam opens the necklace that Jake, Connor & Paige all helped make for her.

Great Grandpa & Grandma Forrester joined us for the party!

Our Family Christmas 2009

Pappa & his girls!

Andrew was a great sport~letting Connor & Paige "walk all over him."

Jake, Connor & Paige really enjoyed spending time with their littler cousin Milan.
Paige & Milan hug good-bye.

After time outside in the snow Paige & Connor enjoy some hot chocolate.

Paige plays in her new tent.

Her tent is the stable and she is snuggling with baby Jesus.

Jake, Connor &Paige have played so well together over Christmas break.
Almost all day they are all together playing, acting and just plain having lots of fun!

Steve & I had taken a nap in front of the fire on Sunday afternoon. When we woke up the kids had set up, practised and were ready to perform the Christmas story for us.
Here is Gabriel singing to the Shepherds as they worship Jesus.

Mary was all giggles and happiness & sang "Away in a Manger" as part of her production.

It was a fabulous Christmas Break!!! I will truly miss the all day- every day with the kids as the go back to school this week, but what blessed memories we have made!

1 comment:

  1. I love blogs! So glad you started one! I'll be sure to keep up with you guys.
