Saturday, June 22, 2013

Hay, there!

Twenty to twenty-five of our acres are hay. 
Our neighbor just happens to be a "hay farmer," 
So he cuts and bails the hay for us and then Steve bought a hay elevator so that we could boost it up into the hay lofts of the barns for storage. 

If you look closely you can see the hay bail that has just shot out of the bailer 
and into the air to go into the trailer.

The elevator hooks up to Steve's tractor and move the conveyer.

The kids all helped load the hay onto the conveyer

Connor to drinks to the workers.
(Our neighbor had a couple of friend working with him too.)

Jake managed the loft. Making sure the hay was all stacked in even piles in the correct places.

It was a loooong, hot, exhausting day! 
But, I think everyone enjoyed this new adventure.

Jake even joined the older guys in taking off his shirt and lifting hay.
He later found it was a very itchy way to go, but he was very "cool" while he was doing it!

This is Paigey just realizing that she lost her flip flop in the hay bails. 
Oops! Guess we'll see that next Spring! :)

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