Friday, May 10, 2013

Lazy Days in the Sunshine

I loved taking this pics of Jake doing his school work out in the grass next to an alligator!

Okay, so the alligator is fake, but to Jake is was very real.

That boy spends all his time at the edge of the water looking at fish and turtles or in the bushes scouting out Gecko's.  He loves nature like nobody's business. 
God, love him!

When Paige wasn't swimming her laps she was playing Barbies by the pool.

We bought food at a local store and had a picnic dinner by the pond.

We're just soaking up all these rays and memories and cherishing this blessing of warmth and family!
Such a blessing!

1 comment:

  1. Love the pic of Jake consulting the alligator on his homework!
