Monday, April 22, 2013

First Week at the Farm

I've had several people make comments to me about our "giving up" our newer home and exchanging it for an old farm house.  But, after having been here for a few weeks, I can honestly say, I haven't missed our previous home one bit.  Even when I ...

1.  saw a cat eat the head off mouse
2. found a snake in my basement
3. went through two 32 oz containers of Pine Sol in 2 weeks time,  countless buckets, cleaning.
4. washed more coats, boots and muddy pants in these two weeks than all my summers combine

Quite honestly, its been proof to me that it's truly not about the building you're in, it's about the people you're with!  And the smile that  illuminates Steve's face every time he comes in from the barn or from working outside...and the ear to ear grin that Jake wears as he retells the adventures of the day...the mud that covers every inch of Paigey's- "it was just so fun, I couldn't help myself" body...the tree house and the Fall Festival plans that Connor is putting's all worth every bucket of dirty water, every dish that no longer has a home, every decoration that doesn't seem to have a place here.  None of that matters.  I've got my gang. And when the gang's all here...we're happy!

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