Sunday, April 24, 2011

Holy Week

The last couple of years we have had a traditional Passover Supper with our friends the Malone's. This year they were out of town, so we had our own family "Upper Room Experience."

We talked about why it was so significant that Jesus took on the form of a servant and washed the disciples feet and then each of us took a turn washing someone's feet.

A time of prayer. Thanking Jesus for His sacrifice on the cross for us.

It was a wonderful time together reflecting and taking to heart the meaning of what Christ did for us.
Then on Easter morning, we got dressed up and headed to church with great excitement!

Only to get half way there and run out of gas on the free way!!
(At least we had Uncle Josh for entertainment, while we waited for the tow truck to bring fuel!)

Next stop: Uncle Mike & Aunt Katie's for an egg hunt!

MONEY!!! :)

Connor found one of the golden eggs!!!!!!

A special thank you to cousins Nate & Erica for doing such a great job of hiding eggs!!

Then inside for a little Easter Egg coloring...

It was a wonderful Easter. We completely lost track of time!
And thoroughly enjoyed each other!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVED this post! It makes me miss the kids!

    You are so purposeful about every holiday. J, C, & P have a real advantage in having you as their spiritual nurturer! I wish I had done many of these things with A & R. Life always seemed to be moving too fast. But as busy as you guys are, you always make time for the important things. I am in awe. (But what else is new?!)

    Love you, sis,
    ~ P.
