Saturday, August 27, 2011

In the Special Book

On Thursday morning this special girl asked Jesus into her heart. It's a precious story, where after four days of a Salvation foundations Bible lesson she sweetly said, "Mommy, you know how you asked me if I wanted to ask Jesus into my heart? Well, now I do!"
She prayed with Mommy, with her two brothers looking on.

The moments following were filled with music, dancing, tears and BIG smiles!! We had a party like no other! She called Daddy and sweetly said, "I asked Jesus in my heart and now my name is in His Special Book!"

We made a special birthday cake (brownies) and had another party when Daddy came home.
Connor immediately made a sign and placed it on the front door that read, "My sister just asked Jesus into her heart!!!!"

That evening Daddy read her a special blessing.

And she received a devotion book just for little girls!

There's been a skip in her step and her smile is even brighter and our somewhat shy little girl has boldly told EVERYONE she see that she is a new believer!! We couldn't be more excited that all our little ones are now written in Christ's "Special Book."

If this is the ONLY benefit/blessing we receive from our adventure in home schooling it will have been worth it!


  1. I LOVE these precious pictures and the joy on her face. What a wonderful age to trust in Jesus - to have it be so memorable and shared with the whole family. Praise God! :-)

  2. I agree with Trudy...I love seeing the joy on her face!!
